Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Counting Down..

We're on the count down. The kids (mainly Jackson and Avery) are ready for Halloween. They had a blast Monday night at a local event our town had for the kids. We met up with Avery's friend Savannah and her family for a crazy chaotic event with a million kids present in about a 1300 square ft room. What can I say after a broken back and sore feet from random kids stepping on them, my kids were satisfied to say the least. If their happy, I'm happy, not to mention exhausted.

Can you guess which super-hero Jackson is going to be?

Avery's costume clue: I have a porcelain complexion but am as cute as a doll, I'm from a foreign land, use a weird fork in hand, Who am I?

Harrison's costume can be described as brown, round, and cuddly, Who is he?

Pumpkin Patch

I took the children to our local pumpkin patch just to take a few pics. We decided to pick one up from a friends batch of Pumpkins instead. So the kids and I stayed for about 30 mins to get these few shots.

Jackson's Action at the Patch.
Such a strong little guy to pick up a 20 lb Pumpkin. Close to it. It was as heavy as Harrison.

was caught by a lucky shot. One of my favorites.

was only a few days old when he visited the patch last year. He enjoyed it alot more this time around.

Here is their group shot.

Harrison's One

Out of the three children, Harrison's First year has sped by the fastest. With that said, October 17th circled back around last weekend too quickly. We packed the little Smith's up and headed out to Grammy and Pa's for some cake and ice cream and a picture montage in celebration of a year of giggles, wiggles, and piggles. Harrison had a lovely time with is family and good buddy Brayden. Grandma and Kate were so sweet in making the trip to help us celebrate. For the one's who couldn't make it, you were in our thoughts.
Aunt Becca did such an awesome job with Harrison's giant cupcake cake. It was so yum! For more pictures follow this link. You might have to copy and paste to address bar,sorry.

Hope you enjoy!

Im so excited!

My art work is hanging on walls. Finally!
I started a project for a Dance Studio a few weeks ago and it is now hanging on their walls. The other exciting news is that this particular studio was chosen to be used for a episode of the MTV show MADE , some of you may be familiar? Be on the lookout for a cameo appearance of my art work. For more of the shots go to VIVID's filmstrip under Studio Dance Academy,

follow me---> http://vivid.shutterfly.com/filmstrip