Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sum. Fun

Summer fun has started now. Here are a few things that we've done. From making a splash to the camera flash. We can't believe the Sum has begun :}

Little Gardner's Update

Here is how our little garden has grown. We have some yummy squash. beans and tomatoes. We're still waiting on the corn.

Just about there.... ( Jackson likes to help)

Slowly growing....

In the beginning...

Last Day of Pre-K

Wow-wee! It seemed to happen within a blink of an eye. Before we knew it our little Jackson graduated Pre-k and is ready for Kindergarden. We had such a great year thanks to Ms Sarah and Mrs. Allison for all of there support! They did such a great job! Jackson met some good friends and we've shared and captured some wonderful memories. Check them out.

Watch Jackson slideshow of his besties on the last day of school.

The Strawberry Patch.

This took place a little over a month ago. We have been so caught up in other things I completely let our family blog go:(
This was the kids first time picking fresh strawberries. We invited Paisley and Marissa to come help us gather some delicious berries. They ALL were so funny to watch. The berries would go from bucket to mouth or mouth to bucket. I think there was more bucket to mouth action going on. After our job was done we decided to go play on the farms playscape. For messy faces and giggles follow this link...