Its officially Halloween season today, and we are thrilled! After getting Jackson on the bus and eating breakfast, Avery, Harrison, and I head to Halloween Express. We arrived a few minutes before they opened so we have to wait. Once Avery and Harrison saw the lady coming to the door to open it they started dancing with excitement, I really don't think they know what we're getting into. The doors opened and that's when the fun started. Harrison had nothing to do with trying anything on. I tried for the garden gnome and he started pitching a fit , but Avery on the other hand LOVED it. We tried on almost every costume in her size...First we pulled out the red wig and fins and she transformed before our very eyes into Ariel the little mermaid.
Ah... No! I don't think reds her color.
Then there was Dora. That was a definite no. Good golly that wig was awful.
Next we tried on the blonde wig and she was Sleeping Beauty,
then a Barbie Fairy,
another Mermaid,
a buccaneer. Cute but not loving it.
and last but not least I present to you Princess Avery!
The best one yet. However, we ended up leaving the store empty handed. We still have 30 days to decide. I think we'll keep brainstorming. What a fun time we had.