Sunday, January 30, 2011


On this glorious January afternoon, after church we decided to go parkin'. We swung, slid, and ran into a few familiar faces.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow White.

After a few hard falls down our porch stairs we made our way onto the ice path that sat in our front yard to do a little ice skating. For the ones who don't know I won a Gold metal in an ice skating compettion when I was 9 needless to say I lost my touch and I was falling left and right on my rump. So much for taking lessons. Jackson enjoyed, Avery despised, and Harrison really didn't care either way about it. Jackson has been out of school for a full week. Its nice to have more time to spend with him, but its been hard not being able to get out to do anything. But here comes the sun. The weekend forecast should melt it away.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Aunt Becca & Uncle Jake let us borrow an inspirational recipe book titled, Family Feast for $75 a Week by Mary Ostyn. The author is a Mom of personal experience and has the challenge of feeding a family of ten without going bankrupt. I was completely skeptical, but seeing as our grocery bills were increasing weekly I had to give it a shot. Its very cost efficient. She includes hundreds of recipes from Mexican dishes to Chinese and everything in between. All the meals are seasoned to taste absolutely delicious. This is our homemade pizza. We didn't make the pepperoni or cheese, but the crust is authentic. Brandon hearts" Auntie Edie's Pancake" recipe. They are simply the best pancakes we've ever created, beats the pants out of any boxed . You will spend a lot up front to own everything on her staples list, which is a list of common items that will be used in the majority of the meals. I personally spent way to much on spices, but it is well worth saving hundreds in the long run .

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Home on the Range.

Jackson's Winter Break is almost over:( We wanted to spend the last few hours of VACA together. Brandon popped up with the idea of taking the gang to our local driving range. Totally original! Even though they ran around for the majority of the time, it was great fun. Avery and Jackson enjoyed practicing maybe they'll be they next big thing in the golf world.

A Fresh Start.